New VR Technology Seeks to Banish Seasickness for Yacht Charter Enthusiasts

1 min read

In a bid to provide relief for those plagued by seasickness, CharterWorld has announced a groundbreaking partnership with See-LEVEL. Seasickness, an age-old woe for many yacht charter enthusiasts, may soon become a thing of the past. The innovative solution comes in the form of a Virtual Reality headset, See-LEVEL, developed by fellow seasickness sufferer Dudley Jackson.

See-LEVEL offers a non-medicinal treatment for seasickness, and early results have been described as a ‘gamechanger’ by CharterWorld team members who have struggled with the condition for years. By immersing the wearer in a 360-degree virtual reality environment, the headset eliminates the visual disturbance that causes seasickness. The wearer is transported to a serene virtual seascape, providing relief within minutes.

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a first-time charter guest, See-LEVEL aims to revolutionize your onboard experience. Say goodbye to discomfort and nausea and hello to the joys of yachting. With this innovative technology at your disposal, you can fully enjoy your charter vacation without the unwelcome burden of seasickness.



Source: LULOP

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